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FastDog - Fast Feet 200g

149,00 kr.

For stærkere trædepuder og negle

Med høje doser af biotin og E-vitamin

Særligt velegnede til hunde som har tendens til at slide trædepuder og flække negle. Fantastisk tilskud særligt til indendørssænonen hvor hundene lettere får skader på trædepuderne af træning på kunstunderlag.

Tilføj til kurv

0.5 to 1 gram per day

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose

Complementary feed for dogs not for human consumption

Strong paws and nails are essential for a dog that has to perform athletic efforts. FAST FEET supports your dog's paws and nails. 

Vitamin E and Biotin are important for a healthy coat, strong nails strengthen the skin.

Biotin is a coenzyme that is essential in many metabolic processes in the body such as the formation of amino acids, the formation of glucose and fats. In addition, biotin plays a role in the formation of keratin. Keratin is an important part of skin and hair and essential for strong nails and paw pads of your dog. Biotin cannot be formed by the body itself, biotin supplement can contribute to this.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can reduce oxidative stress caused by exercise. It supports the formation of new skin and ensures strong, dense skin, which protects against external influences and ensures a soft, shiny coat.

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is an organically bound sulphur, which is well absorbed. Sulphur plays an important role in many processes in the body. It is an important building block for tendons, muscles and joints. MSM is also very important for the construction of keratin. Sulphur ensures the preservation of the elasticity of tissues. In case of muscle tension, MSM is used in combination with Magnesium (citrate) to promote relaxation and faster recovery after exertion.

FAST FEET contains 100% pure raw materials suitable for human use.


153 grams of vitamin E per kilo

1200 mg biotin per kilo

948 grams MSM

Crude protein 0.1%; Crude fat 0.1%; Crude fibre 0.1%; Crude ash 0.1%


Ved køb over 799 DKK


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