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FastDog - Power Bonbons 250g

99,00 kr.

Den energirige godbid til din hund! ca. 40 stk

Disse fårefedt-godbidder er beriget med krill, BCAA og curcumin.

På grund af den unikke kombination af krillmel, BCAA og curcumin er power bonbons ikke kun en ultimativ godbid for hunden, men også en kilde til vigtige råvarer for optimal ydeevne. 

Bonbonerne er en kilde til energi og essentielle aminosyrer, omega 3 fedtsyrer og antioxidanter, alt sammen for optimal støtte til muskelopbygning og ydeevne.

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Sheep fat is a good source of energy for the active dog, but also a source of vitamin A and vitamin D. The vitamins are important for the construction and strength of bones and support vision. In addition, sheep fat ensures a beautiful shiny coat. 
Arctic krill is an animal plankton and is very rich in eicopentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), essential omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids support the immune system and can have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, Arctic krill is a good source of essential amino acids and rich in leucine and lysine, but also glucosamine and proline. All important nutrients for muscles and joints. 
BCAA stands for branched chain amino acids, namely 3 essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids stimulate protein synthesis (muscle building) and reduce the breakdown of muscle proteins during endurance sports. In addition to beneficial effects on muscle building, BCAAs can also contribute to improved cognitive skills, possibly by increasing serotonin in the brain. 
Curcumin from turmeric is an antioxidant and may have an anti-inflammatory effect. Curcumin can thus contribute to protection against joint damage and muscle damage.

Dosage : 1 bonbon per 10 kg dog per day.
Do not exceed the recommended dose.

Ingredients : Sheep fat, krill meal, BCAA, curcumin.

Nutritional values: Crude protein: max 8% • Crude fat: max 90% • Crude ash: 0.7% • Crude fibre: 0%


  1. Harris, R. A., et al (2004). Exercise promotes BCAA catabolism: effects of BCAA supplementation on skeletal muscle during exercise. J nutr. 134 (6): 1583S-1587S.
  2. Fretwell, Laura K., et al. “The effect of supplementation with branched-chain amino acids on cognitive function in active dogs.” J Nutr 136.7 (2006): 2069S-2071S.

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